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Marco will be in touch within 48 hours. 


Regent Street
London, England, W1B 5TF
United Kingdom




Executive coaching
& Life coaching.

I abide by a professional Code of Ethics (ICF), which ensures confidentiality. Coaching is not about giving advice. I will actively listen to what you have to say and explore the choices open to you in order for you to move forward.

Coaching packages vary in duration, depending upon the specific piece of work and goal you want to achieve. I offer telephone and face-to-face coaching sessions, or a blend of both depending upon location, schedule and preference.

The purpose of our interaction is to hold your focus on your desired outcome and to coach you to stay clear, focused and in action. It is imperative that you understand that the power of the coaching relationship can only exist with our agreement. 

All coaching packages begin with a contracting session covering a range of topics including coaching goals and outcomes, measures of success, roles and responsibilities, coaching schedule, review and feedback, payment and any other terms and conditions. 

If you feel that the coaching is not working for you, you will need to communicate this in order for you to return the power to the coaching relationship and see the best way together to move forward.

Coaching sessions may also vary in duration and frequency and will be determined during the contracting process. As a guideline, telephone sessions can range between 30 and 60 minutes and face-to-face sessions may range between one and three hours in duration. A schedule will also be agreed upon, which may be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

For Executive and Corporate Coaching, this contracting session is a 3-way meeting between the coach, the client and an appropriate representative from the sponsoring organisation (e.g. Line Manager). We will establish how the achievement of the coaching goals will benefit both the individual client and the organisational client. Executive and Corporate Coaching packages are also completed with a similar 3-way meeting.

Please get in touch to discuss how coaching can be a beneficial and positive experience for you. 


Some of the areas Executive and Life coaching can help with...

• Leadership and executive development
• Coaching skills for leaders and managers
• Self-esteem & confidence
• Personal and Professional development skills
• Capitalise on talent
• Stress and anxiety
• Sustainability

• Increase retention on high performers
• Personal problem solving
• How to transform an organisation
• How to develop others and develop the leader in the process
• How to create an optimum work environment for all
• Improve business results and outcomes
• Optimise the power of people-to-people communication in the organisation

• Develop creativity and entrepreneurialism of the work force
• To move the work force in alignment with the organisation vision and strategy
• To maximise the flow of constructive communication in organisations


Some of the common questions asked about Executive & Life coaching.

What can I expect to happen at my first appointment? 
You will have a chance to meet online or face to face with Marco and talk about the issues that brought you to the meeting. It is your chance to ask any questions and see whether coaching works for you.

What if I need to cancel my appointment?
You can cancel any appointment booked as long as you give 24 hours’ notice. Any appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged at the usual session rate.

Is this service confidential?
Yes, it will be completely confidential except when the coach notices any safeguarding issues, which will be cleared explained during your first coaching session.


Get in touch with us to discuss what you can gain Executive or Life coaching.